Stone River Elearning – 100 Algorithms Challenge
Learning JavaScript is an important and critical skill for any web developer. But learning just the syntax and data types is only the beginning. Learning to solve problems in JavaScript is the most critical ability you can have. Learning to create effective algorithms is important regardless of what framework you use, if any. Algorithms are also a critical part of any developer interview. In this course, Dylan Israel will take you through 100 different algorithmic challenges. After laying out the challenge, you will have the opportunity to attempt to solve the problem yourself. Afterwards, Dylan will show you a possible solution to the problem so that you can compare your solution to his. This course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their JavaScript and interview skills. Before beginning this course you should have basic familiarity with JavaScript.
- Have a handle on and be able to use higher order functions in JavaScript
- Understand and apply the basics of TypeScript
- Have a 100 algorithm portfolio item
Course Curriculum
- Introduction (4:17)
- Objective Setup (2:16)
- My Tools (0:49)
- TypeScript Basics (3:08)
- Getting ed (1:18)
- Absolute Values Sum Minimization (3:42)
- Add (4:16)
- Add Border (6:02)
- Add Two Digits (3:20)
- Adjacent Elements Product (3:31)
- All Longest Strings (3:34)
- Almost Increasing Sequence (4:43)
- Alphabetic shift (8:33)
- Alphabet Sub Sequence (5:44)
- Alternating Sums (2:43)
- Are Equally Strong (4:54)
- Are Similar (6:18)
- Array Change (4:36)
- Array Conversion (7:23)
- Array Max Consecutive Sum (4:49)
- Array Max Consecutive Sum (3:39)
- Array Previous Less (4:52)
- Array Replace (2:17)
- Avoid Obstacles (4:28)
- Bishop and Pawn (5:55)
- Box Blur (6:46)
- Candies (1:51)
- Case Insensitive Palindrome (3:02)
- Century From Year (2:42)
- Character Parity (2:09)
- Check Palindrome (3:21)
- Chess Board Cell Color (4:17)
- Chunky Monkey (3:49)
- Circle of Numbers (4:02)
- Common Character Count (8:10)
- Company Bot Strategy (3:53)
- Compare Integers (2:10)
- Compose Ranges (9:14)
- Confirm Ending (2:46)
- Contains Close Nums (4:35)
- Contains Duplicates (1:47)
- Convert Celcius to Fahrenheit (1:33)
- Convert String (4:24)
- Crossing Sum (3:13)
- Deposit Profit (2:53)
- Different Symbols Naive (8:07)
- Digit Degree (8:14)
- Domain Type (4:22)
- Election Winners (4:40)
- Enclose in Brackets (1:00)
- Even Digits Only (2:30)
- Extract Each kth (1:50)
- Extract Matrix Column (1:51)
- Factorialize a Number (1:48)
- Fancy Ride (3:41)
- Fare Estimator (3:55)
- Fermactor (3:15)
- Find Closest Pair (4:57)
- Find Email Domain (2:30)
- First Digit (2:58)
- First Duplicate (3:09)
- First Not Repeating Character (7:07)
- Growing Plant (3:35)
- House Number Sum (2:36)
- House of Cats (5:23)
- HTML End Tag by Tag (5:10)
- Incorrect Password Attempts (3:17)
- Integer to String of Fixed Width (7:19)
- Internal Backups (5:44)
- Is Lucky (8:41)
- Is Tandem Repeat (2:58)
- Largest of Four (2:58)
- Largest Number (3:48)
- Late Ride (3:07)
- Launch Sequence Checker (5:08)
- Longest Digits Prefix (4:34)
- Make Array Consecutive 2 (4:12)
- Matrix Elements Sum (4:37)
- Max Multiple (1:56)
- Missing Letters (5:50)
- New Numeral System (4:36)
- Palindrome Rearranging (5:56)
- Pages Numbering with Ink (3:21)
- Pig Latin (9:14)
- Pro Categorization (9:31)
- Proper Noun Correction (2:14)
- Rating Threshold (3:47)
- Reflect String (3:44)
- Reverse a String (2:48)
- Seats in Theater (2:16)
- Seek and Destroy (3:02)
- Shape Area (2:13)
- Sort by Height (4:57)
- Sort by Length (1:43)
- Stolen Lunch (5:09)
- Strings Construction (8:39)
- Sum All Prime Numbers (5:21)
- Sum Odd Fibonacci Numbers (5:03)
- Square Digits Sequence (6:20)
- Switch Lights (5:04)
- Sum of Two (4:17)
- Tasks Types (4:29)
- Unique Digit Products (5:16)
- Valid Time (3:56)
- Final Challenge (5:18)
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